Lavanula angustifolia Mill., Lamiaceae is a medicinal plant grown for the production of essential oil. Lavender oil is used as a medicine and in the production of cosmetics. It is used for inhalation and baths. It has sedative and calming properties. Lavender tea improves digestion and stimulates bile excretion. Because of its pleasant scent, lavender is used in wardrobes and as air freshener. Japin Breg boasts 300 lavender shrubs, which add special charm to the estate.

The Japanese pagoda tree
The Japanese pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum, L. Schott) is a deciduous tree belonging to the pea family (Fabaceae). The name sophora is derived from sufayra, an Arabic name fora pea-flowered tree. The tree is beloved by beekeepers as it is an extremely melliferous plant. The sophora is easily pruned and a preferred shape is easily maintained. It blooms abundantly in early September, and its flowers are white-yellow in colour, oval-shaped and have a very pleasant scent. The plant is used in Chinese traditional medicine. The Chinese word for tree (槐) consists of words 木 ( “tree”) and 鬼 ( “demon”). In folklore, it is said that a cowherd once built a home out from the timber of this species of tree and within a month his whole family was suddenly found dead.

Leyland cypress
The Leyland cypress (Cupressus x leylandii, A.B.Jacks.&Dallim.) is a coniferous evergreen tree belonging to the Cupressaceae genus. The Latin name Cupressus is derived from Greek mythology. Kyparissos got a tamed stag as a gift from Apollo, but one day the boy accidentally killed it with his hunting spear. The boy’s grief was such that it transformed him into a cypress tree, which is now a symbol of mourning.

Golden Himalayan cedar
The Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara(Roxb.)G.Don) is an evergreen tree belonging to the pine family (Pinaceae). The name deodara means „wood of the gods“ and is derived from Sanskrit words deva (God) and dara (wood or tree). The timber of this tree was used for the production of sacred objects and its beauty and durability were held in high regard. Distillation is used to produce Himalayan cedar essential oil, which is used in aromatherapy to help the lymphatic system, as well as in cellulite treatment and hair care products.

Aucuba (Aucuba japonica Thunb.) is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Garryaceae family. It is grown as a perennial shrub. The name Aucuba is a Latinised form of the Japanese name aokiba. The species name japonica indicates its origin. The plant is toxic.

The Blue Atlas cedar
The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica (ENdl.)G.Manetti) is a coniferous evergreen tree with an irregularly shaped crown. Open and stiff when young, and widely pyramidal flat topped with age, this treen retains lower branches. The Latin genus name Cedrus is derived from the Greek word kedros, which is an ancient name for cone trees. The essential oil of Atlas cedar is widely used in perfumes, fragrances and soaps because it has relaxing effects and enhances emotional balance. It is also used in skin care and cleaning products. In skin care the Atlas cedar is used for sebum regulation and wrinkle reduction. Its oil is used as an ingredient in scrubs as it stimulates the lymphatic system and blood flow. The Atlas cedar is also used in diffusers and air freshening sprays.

White dogwood
White dogwood (Cornus alba L.) is a deciduous shrub belonging to the Cornaceae family. The one grown at Japin Breg has intensely red twigs and belongs to the Sibirica variety. Its flowers give way to clusters of round white berries. The genus name Cornus is derived from the Latin word cornu (horn) and refers to the strength and density of the wood and the tree’s resemblance to an ox horn.

Japanese maple
Japanese maple (Acer palmatum Thunb.) is a deciduous tree in the Sapindaceae family. This species has dark red leaves with five acutely pointed lobes. The Latin name Acer means pointed or sharp. The species name palmatum means palmate.